
Surprising Uses of Aspirin

1. Reduce Appearance of Acne: There is nothing worse than getting a pimple before going to a special event or before you had your picture taken. If you want to get rid of your pimple quickly, crush two or three uncoated tablets of Aspirin and mix them with lemon juice. Mix it until it makes a paste. Apply that paste to the pimple and leave it on for 15 minutes. When you wash it off, the blemish should be gone. 2. Repair Damaged Hair: If you wash your hair and it doesn't look silky and shiny due to damage, aspirin could help. Start by dissolving 10 uncoated aspirin tablets in a cup of warm water. Apply the mixture to cleaned hair and allow it sit for fifteen minutes, and then wash it off. In this way, your hair will look shiny, silky and rejuvenated. 5. Sooth Insect Bites: Insect bites can be painful and itchy. If you are bitten or stung by a bug. You can use aspirin to help relief the pain and the itching. Moisten an aspirin in a table spoon of water and apply it directl...

New Antibiotic Approved: Vabomere

Recently an Intravenous antibiotic called Vabomere was approved by FDA. It is a combination of vaborbactam and meropenem. Its indication includes UTIs. This combination will help us to fight against more serious bacterial infections of the urinary tract.   The clinical trials were done on around 550 peoples suffering from complicated UTI. Out of these, 98% of people were recovered from it. The side effect profile of this combination antibiotic includes headache and diarrhea. Moreover, allergic reactions at the site of injection or severe allergic reaction in the body can also be encountered. It will be effective against a wide range of bacteria, but to avoid its resistance it should only be used after a proper culture test against the susceptible bacteria. It will be manufactured by Rempex Pharmaceuticals (San Diego).

Street and Designer Drugs

There are basically two types of drugs. One is called the "Street Drugs" and the other is called "Designer Drugs". Street Drugs are those that, pharmacologically speaking, do not attack a particular site, but bring about a macro action. Such kind of drugs have a bundle of side effects linked to them. On the other hand, the Designer Drugs are devoid of this discrepancy. Such drugs hit only the desired target, causing minimum side effects. The reason behind their specificity is their making. Because, they are designed in a way that stereochemically binds to their target--consequently called the Designer Drugs.

Death- By Neglect or by Design

There are basically two types of cell death. One is called as the death by neglect, while the other is called as the death by design. The former one is the death that happens less often. The underlying mechanism here is that the cell, if mistakenly, is dislodged from a particular location where its survival signals lie in its paracrine. As soon as it will not be receiving its survival signals, it will be impossible for the cell to maintain its integrity, and hence the result will be obvious, death by neglect. The other phenomenon, death by design, happens very commonly in the cell. It leads towards the programmed cell death, more technically called as the apoptosis. It can be commonly seen, during the embryological development, specifically when the finishing of the organs takes place. 

The Death Receptor Pathway

The death receptor pathway is activated when death receptors such as members of the tumour necrosis factor (TNF) family are stimulated by specific death ligands. This recruits adapter proteins that activate initiator caspases , which in turn activate effector caspases such as caspase 3. The mitochondrial pathway is activated by diverse signals, one being DNA damage. In the presence of DNA damage that cannot be repaired, the p53 protein activates a subpathway that results in release of cytochrome  c  from the mitochondrion, with subsequent involvement of the apoptosome and activation of an initiator caspase, caspase 9. The apoptosome is a complex of procaspase 9, cytochrome  c  and apoptotic-activating protease factor-1 (Apaf-1). Both these pathways converge on the effector caspase (e.g. caspase 3), which brings about the demise of the cell. The survival factor subpathway (shown here faded) normally holds apoptosis at bay by inhibiting the mitochondrion pathway ...

Rosemary: for a better memory.

It is known from the ancient times that the herb rosemary has something special in it that helps in improving the memory. The herb has a magical fragrance, each whiff can help you build a better memory . A research has shown that a compound called, 1,8-cineole, has the ability to improve long term memory. Moreover, it can also help you to do mental calculations.                                              Recently a new research has shown that it also has the ability to improve your prospective memory. Prospective memory means the ability to remember events that will happen in future, as well as to complete the tasks that will happen in your near future. The proposed mechanism underlying here is said to be that the active ingredient in rosemary via our olfaction leads to the most dynamic part of our brain, called cerebrum, causing stimulations in a way to improve the e...

We Need Drugs-- Better Drugs Now.

A question arises in the readers mind that what are drugs. The simplest answer to this question is "It is a molecule consisting of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Sulfur and few other atoms combined in a specific way in a particular geometry to lock up a certain pathological phenomenon." The subject here is we  need drugs=, but why.??? Almost more than 100z and 1000z of diseases are known to man since its origin, but you will be surprised to know that only 4000 diseases are know to mankind with exact molecular mechanisms. Moreover, another scary fact is that just 250 diseases with appropriate treatment are known to us. There is a long leap to make. The future thus belongs to two basic fields, genetics and molecular sciences. So that more and more molecular mechanisms can be validated and drugs against them can be made. Apart from it, there is another tragedy going on in the society, specifically in the third world countries, i.e., Irrational approach to use the drugs. Prescrib...