Surprising Uses of Aspirin
1. Reduce Appearance of Acne: There is nothing worse than getting a pimple before going to a special event or before you had your picture taken. If you want to get rid of your pimple quickly, crush two or three uncoated tablets of Aspirin and mix them with lemon juice. Mix it until it makes a paste. Apply that paste to the pimple and leave it on for 15 minutes. When you wash it off, the blemish should be gone. 2. Repair Damaged Hair: If you wash your hair and it doesn't look silky and shiny due to damage, aspirin could help. Start by dissolving 10 uncoated aspirin tablets in a cup of warm water. Apply the mixture to cleaned hair and allow it sit for fifteen minutes, and then wash it off. In this way, your hair will look shiny, silky and rejuvenated. 5. Sooth Insect Bites: Insect bites can be painful and itchy. If you are bitten or stung by a bug. You can use aspirin to help relief the pain and the itching. Moisten an aspirin in a table spoon of water and apply it directl...