Surprising Uses of Aspirin

1. Reduce Appearance of Acne:
There is nothing worse than getting a pimple before going to a special event or before you had your picture taken. If you want to get rid of your pimple quickly, crush two or three uncoated tablets of Aspirin and mix them with lemon juice. Mix it until it makes a paste. Apply that paste to the pimple and leave it on for 15 minutes. When you wash it off, the blemish should be gone.
2. Repair Damaged Hair:
If you wash your hair and it doesn't look silky and shiny due to damage, aspirin could help. Start by dissolving 10 uncoated aspirin tablets in a cup of warm water. Apply the mixture to cleaned hair and allow it sit for fifteen minutes, and then wash it off. In this way, your hair will look shiny, silky and rejuvenated.
5. Sooth Insect Bites:
Insect bites can be painful and itchy. If you are bitten or stung by a bug. You can use aspirin to help relief the pain and the itching. Moisten an aspirin in a table spoon of water and apply it directly to the affected area. Leave it on for 10 minutes. When you take it off, the redness. swelling, itchiness and pain is gone away.
6. Helps with Dandruff:
Dandruff is a very embarrassing problem. If you don't have the money to purchase the expensive dandruff shampoos , you can use the aspirin that you likely have already in your medicine cabinet. Crush two aspirin tablets and mix it with your regular shampoo. When you wash your hair, the aspirin should control the dandruff.
7. Remove Calluses from Your Feet:
Everyone wants to have nice soft feet specially during the summer when you are wearing the sandals. If you have calluses on your feet, aspirin can really help. Crush 7 uncoated aspirin tablets. Mix it with half a table spoon of lemon juice. Mix it well until it starts to turn to a thick paste. Apply the mixture to the soles of your feet and cover them with a warm cloth. Leave the mixture and the cloth on for about 10 minutes. After you wash the paste, rub a puma stone to your feet. By the time you are done, you'll have soft and smooth feet.
8. Make a Face Mask:

Aspirin contains many of the ingredients that are used in face creams and cleansers. Rather going out and spending way too much money on those products you can make your own face mask at home using aspirin. Crush 8 tablets of aspirin and mix it well with three table spoons of yogurt and one table spoon of honey. Apply the mask to your entire face and leave it on for at least 10 minutes. After you clean it off , your skin will be soft and smooth. If you need to exfoliate your skin, aspirin can again help. Simply crush up 5 aspirin tablets and mix it with warm water. Rub it onto your skin. It will exfoliate as well as reduce oil content and the size of your skin pores.


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